Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' updated
1/10/2017 3:32 AM
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' has been updated to version 2.0.213
Module 'ShopPrintInvoiceVATSummary' updated
1/9/2017 7:25 PM
Module 'ShopPrintInvoiceVATSummary' has been updated to version 2.0.7
Module 'AdminGridInlineEditSource' updated
1/9/2017 7:11 PM
Module 'AdminGridInlineEditSource' has been updated to version 2.0.9
Module 'Export for Administration' updated
1/9/2017 7:05 PM
Module 'Export for Administration' has been updated to version 2.0.20
Module 'Inline Edit in List of Records' updated
1/9/2017 5:28 PM
Module 'Inline Edit in List of Records' has been updated to version 2.0.11
Module 'Multirecord Operations' updated
1/9/2017 5:17 PM
Module 'Multirecord Operations' has been updated to version 2.0.24
Module 'ProxyServers' updated
1/9/2017 8:02 AM
Module 'ProxyServers' has been updated to version 2.0.206
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' updated
1/9/2017 3:32 AM
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' has been updated to version 2.0.212
Module 'ProxyServers' updated
1/8/2017 7:59 AM
Module 'ProxyServers' has been updated to version 2.0.205
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' updated
1/8/2017 3:32 AM
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' has been updated to version 2.0.211
Module 'ProxyServers' updated
1/7/2017 8:01 AM
Module 'ProxyServers' has been updated to version 2.0.204
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' updated
1/7/2017 3:32 AM
Module 'ShopPPLParcelShopDeliveryType' has been updated to version 2.0.210
Module 'Export to Google Merchant XML' updated
1/6/2017 2:47 PM
Module 'Export to Google Merchant XML' has been updated to version 2.0.16
Module 'Export to Google Merchant XML' updated
1/6/2017 1:11 PM
Module 'Export to Google Merchant XML' has been updated to version 2.0.15
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